Nov 2021: Study can’t confirm lab results for many cancer experiments
NYTimes Oct 2021: Is the New Aspirin Advice a Medical Flip-Flop, or Just Science?
All COVID related op-eds, podcasts, videos
EMJ Interview with Vinay Prasad Nov 5, 2020
Trump’s V.I.P. Medical Care Could Do More Harm Than Good. Bloomberg News. Oct 4, 2020
Experimental Medicines For COVID-19 Could Help Someday, But Home Runs Not Guaranteed. NPR. Sept 18, 2020
Disgraced researchers can still reap drug industry payouts. Science Magazine. Oct 1, 2020
Here’s everything we know about the unapproved antibody drug Trump took to combat coronavirus. CNBC. Oct 3, 2020
Vinay Prasad on 'Try First vs Trial First' for COVID-19 with Marty Makary. MedPage Today.
Book Review for Malignant (Hopkins Press, 2020)
Malignant: An Interview with Dr. Vinay Prasad, Author, Podcaster, Academic, Oncologist.
Tahla Burki in the Lancet Haematology. 2020
Podcast interviews about Malignant
Vinay Prasad on Cancer Drugs, Medical Ethics, and Malignant. Russ Roberts. Econ Talk. 2020
Malignant: An Interview with Dr. Vinay Prasad, Author, Podcaster, Academic, Oncologist. Shikha Jain. 2020
Personal Profiles
MIT Technology Review (2018). The skeptic: What precision medicine revolution?
‘If something is highly promising, is it unethical to test that?’ in Washington Post (2016)
STAT (2017)
Dr. Vinay Prasad takes on Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and his own colleagues. Meghana Keshavan
The Oregonian (2017)
Dr. Vinay Prasad, OHSU's iconoclastic oncologist, calls out shoddy medicine Lynne Terry
OHSU physician calls out conflicts of interest, high drug prices, bad medical practices
Dr. Vinay Prasad: Medical practices that don't work or cause harm
Portland Tribute (2016 & 2017)
Top 5 under 40. Sept 2017
A remedy for a sick industry. Peter Korn. Mar 3, 2016
Prasad takes do no harm oath to heart. Peter Korn Mar 3, 2016
On Ending Medical Reversal
When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes. In Propublica and the Atlantic Monthly. February 2017.
Book Reviews for Ending Medical Reversal (Hopkins Press, 2015)
Best Health Care Books of 2015. Dr. Kenny Lin. Dec 7, 2015
Ending Medical Reversal is Revolutionary. Dr. Kenny Lin. Nov 11, 2015
Preventing Flip-Flops in Clinical Practice: Q&A. MedPage Today. Nov 9, 2015
How Evidence Can Clean the House of Medicine. MedPage Today. Nov 9, 2015
Ending Medical Reversal Laments Flip Flopping. NY Times. Oct 30, 2015
A course in reversal. The Lancet. Mar 26, 2016
New estimate puts cost to develop a new drug at $1B, adding to long-running debate. Biopharma Dive. March 3, 2020
The evidence for evidence-based therapy is not as clear as we thought. AEON. February 04, 2020
Antigen-based metric could better predict which patients benefit from immunotherapy, study says. STAT. February 21, 2020
The Cancer Industry: Hype Versus Reality. Scientific American. February 12, 2020
Despite High-Profile Scandals, Conflict-of-Interest Reporting Remains Challenging, Scattershot. Medscape. February 11, 2020.
'How Long Do I Have?' New Online Tool for Patients With Cancer. Medscape. February 03rd, 2020
Precision Medicine in Primary Care: Bespoke. Genetic and Genomic. And Maybe Not Ready. Managed Care. January 30, 2020
Google Health's AI breast cancer screening tool stirs debate. SearchHealthIT. January 21st, 2020.
Why cancer death rates fell. Politico. January 10th, 2020
Trump is taking credit for the decades-old decline in cancer deaths. Vox. January 9th, 2020
'Unprecedented' Drop-in the US Cancer Deaths, Driven by Lung Cancer. Medscape. January 08, 2020
Big Pharma Continues New Year's Tradition Of Squeezing U.S. Sick For Every Last Dime. Gizmodo. January 3rd, 2020.
Artificial Intelligence Makes Bad Medicine Even Worse. Wired. January 01st, 2020
How Dr. Google Answered The Top Ten Health Questions Of 2019. Forbes. December 31st, 2019.
Wetsman N. How Twitter is changing medical research. Nature Medicine. 2019.
A Decade Marked By Outrage Over Drug Prices. NPR. December 31st, 2019.
Does Precision Oncology Offer Patients Superior Treatment Therapies? Anatomic Pathologists Will Be Interested to Learn Why Oncology Experts Disagree. Dark Daily. December 30th, 2019.
Which Interventions Can Be Paid For: The Explanatory Power of “Prasad’s Law.” Health Care Renewal. 2019
Financial disclosure in oncology leaves ‘room for standardization.’ Healio HemOnc Today. 2019
Financial Aid Recipients Breaking Funding Rules: Investigation. The Scientist. 2019
Investigation reveals widespread double dipping in NIH program to pay off school debt. Science. 2019
Study suggests NCCN off-label recommendations valid based on available evidence. Healio. 2019
The ‘cancer growing in cancer medicine’: pharma money paid to doctors. STAT.2019
NCCN’s off-label cancer treatment recommendations ‘constitute a problem.’ Healio. 2019
Eculizumab frequently used for off-label indications, researchers suggest. Healio. 2019
BEACON trial in colorectal cancer is “single worst reported,” says critic. BMJ. 2019.
BEACON Trial in BRAF-Mutant mCRC: Now Published, Criticized. Medscape. 2019.
EM Must Demand RCTs to Avoid Reversals. Emergency Medicine News. 2019
How to avoid medical treatment you don’t need — or that may not work. Market Watch. 2019
Why Doctors Still Offer Treatments That May Not Help. New York Times. 2019
10 Findings That Contradict Medical Wisdom. Doctors, Take Note. New York Times. 2019
Fast-Track Drug Approval, Designed for Emergencies, Is Now Routine. The Wall Street Journal. 2019
Is Cardiology Overly Enamored of New Unproven Therapies? Medscape. 2019
When FDA and Advisory Committees Disagree: Study Investigates Gaps. Regulatory Focus. 2019
Why revolving door at USFDA raises ethical concerns? Money Control. 2019
On Twitter, and in Life, Aim to Persuade the Swing Voter. Medscape. 2019
Cancer Drugs Approved Quickly Often Fail To Measure Up Later. KCUR 89.3. 2019
Percentage of Patients to Benefit From Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Still Limited. Cancer Network.2019
Substandard control arms question the utility of some new cancer drugs. STAT. 2019
Surrogates Speed Cancer Drug Approvals, but Only by 11 Months. Medscape. 2019.
Pfizer Uses EHR Data to Support Expanded Indication for Breast Cancer Drug. Regulatory Focus. 2019
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Concerto HealthAI team up on real-world data, artificial intelligence. MedCity News. 2019
Improving the Design of Pivotal Clinical Trials. Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology. 2019
“Es importante que los oncólogos hablen de los problemas del sistema.” Gaceta Medica. 2019
“La EMA sigue el camino de la FDA, y yo creo que la FDA no está haciendo el mejor trabajo.”El Global. 2019.
Vinay Prasad: A wake-up call for the medical profession. The BMJ Opinion. 2019
Treatment Guidelines in Cancer: Assessing Industry Influence on Recommendations. Medical Bag. 2019
Many Guidelines For Heart Care Rely On Weak Evidence. WFAE 90.7.2019
Questions About Metastasis-Free Survival in Prostate Cancer. Medscape. 2019
5 categories of quality web content for you to explore when we cease daily publication. Health News Review. 2018
Has the Promise of Precision Medicine Been Oversold? A roundtable discussion with Edward S. Kim, MD; Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH; and Richard L. Schilsky, MD, FACP, FSCT, FASCO. The ASCO Post. 2018
Dr. Vinay Prasad: Medical reversal is harmful, avoidable and much too common. WRVO. 2018
BMJ Talk Medicine: Vinay Prasad-there is overdiagnosis in clinical trials. BMJ. 2018
More and More, New Drugs Clear the FDA With ‘Accelerated Approval.’ Undark. 2018
'Precision Medicine' Often Misses the Target. Sep. 13, 2018
Is 'precision medicine' the answer to cancer? Not precisely. Chicago Tribune. 2018
Are We Being Misled About Precision Medicine?. The New York Times. Sep. 11, 2018
HemOnc Today honors Next Gen Innovators at ASCO. Healio. 2018
Podcast: The language of cancer
How to improve access to medicines? Fix incentives. Just Care. 2018
Are Big Pharma payments to advisors a conflict of interest? Beasley Allen. 2018
On Plenary Session Podcast
OHSU's resident iconoclast turns to podcasting to take on medicine's hot topic. Portland Business Journal. 2018
A 'professional troublemaker' or a revealer of truths? How one oncologist is stirring up controversy on Twitter and beyond. Advisory Board. 2018.
Prasad on medicine Medscape.
When Do We Need Randomized Controlled Trials, and When Can We Manage Without Them? Medscape.2018
FDA's Genomic Screening Approval Blurs Research and Practice. Medscape.2018
Calling Out the FDA's 'We Don't Regulate Medicine' Mantra. Medscape.2018
'Twitter Cheerleaders': A Megaphone for Bad Science. Medscape. 2018
21st Century Physician: Triaging the Tsunami of Medical Information. Medscape. 2018
On Role in Science "Tribe"
If Our Science Tribe Was A D&D Game. American Council on Science and Health. 2018.
On Surrogate End Points Used in the US Food and Drug Administration's Approval of Oncology Drugs. 2018
FDA Publishes List of Surrogate Endpoints Used in Drug Approvals. Regulatory Focus. 2018.
FDA to pub surrogate endpoints used in cancer drug approvals. Biopharmadrive. 2018
In Spanish.
Investigación revela conflictos de interés poco reconocidos en asesores de la FDA. El Espectador. 2018.
“El 40% de lo que hacemos los médicos es incorrecto” El Espectador. 2018.
Vinay Prasad, el 'enfant terrible' de la medicina: "El 40% de lo que hacemos los médicos es incorrecto." Business Insider España. 2018
Apple entra en el mercado del sobrediagnóstico: cribado de fibrilación auricular con iWatch. No Gracias. 2018
Ethical Concerns at FDA.
Hidden Conflicts? Science. 2018
Report: Doctors Who Recommend Drugs for Approval Often Get Big Pharma Money After. Gizmodo. 2018.
Multivitamins Do Not Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality and Should Not Be Taken for This Purpose: How Do We Know That?(Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2018)
Vitamin supplements don't lower heart risk, study finds. NBC News. 2018
Large meta-study concludes multivitamins don't improve cardiovascular health. New Atlas. 2018
Multivitamins Don't Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke Meta-analysis "conclusively showing null effects" of supplements. Medpage Today. 2018.
Multivitamins, minerals fail to improve CV outcomes. Cardiology Today. 2018
On Tweeting about Hype
Tweeting Oncologist Draws Ire And Admiration For Calling Out Hype. NPR. June 24, 2018
What's next for Atul Gawande's venture. Politico. 2018
New York Times Editorial
Easier Drug Approval Isn’t Cutting Drug Prices. New York Times. June 08,2018
Estimation of The Percentage of US Patients With Cancer Who Benefit From Genome-Driven Oncology (JAMA Oncology 2018)
A cancer drug tailored to your tumor? Experts trade barbs over ‘precision oncology’ Science. 2018
Quoted about detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test (2018)
Scientists Edge Closer To A Blood Test To Detect Cancers. NPR. 2018
Most medical practices are not parachutes: a citation analysis of practices felt by biomedical authors to be analogous to parachutes (CMAJ Open 2018)
This physician won’t practice parachute-based medicine. Medpage Today's. 2018
Frequency and level of evidence used in recommendations by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines beyond approvals of the US Food and Drug Administration: retrospective observational study (BMJ 2018)
US cancer network recommending expensive drugs based on weak evidence, study finds. The Guardian. 2018
Cancer treatment guidelines questioned in new study. CNN 2018.
US cancer treatment guidelines 'often based on weak evidence.' EurekAlert. 2018
OHSU Researchers Find Some Costly, Recommended Cancer Treatments Lack Evidence. The Lund Report. 2018
Cancer Treatment Guidelines In US Questioned In New Study. Medical Daily. 2018.
‘Cancer treatment guidelines based on weak evidence’ Irish Medical Times. 2018
U.S. cancer network frequently recommends drugs beyond FDA approval: study. Global Times. 2018
Quoted about Laura and John Arnold Foundation
A billionaire couple is pumping money into the drug pricing debate. Can they loosen pharma’s grip? STAT. 2018
Quoted about immunotherapy combination treatments. (2018)
The most promising cancer treatments in a century have arrived-but not for everyone. Wired. 2017
A cancer doctor speaks out: How premature hype about experimental drugs fails patients. Health News Review. 2018
Estimation of The Percentage of US Patients With Cancer Who Benefit From Genome-Driven Oncology (JAMA Oncology 2018)
A cancer drug tailored to your tumor? Experts trade barbs over ‘precision oncology.’ Science. 2018
'Genome-Driven' Cancer Drugs Treat Small Minority of Patients. Medscape. 2018
Cancer Sequencing and Hype and Reality. Science. 2018
Quoted about Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption (2018)
It’s time to rethink how much booze may be too much. Vox. 2018
University of Twitter? Scientists give impromptu lecture critiquing nutrition research. CBC. 2018
Terence Corcoran: Regulators get drunk on junk science to stop you from drinking. Financial Post. 2018
Do cancer drugs improve survival or quality of life? (BMJ 2018)
Why Don’t More New Cancer Drugs Help Patients Live Longer? Health Line. 2018
Why the 'eat a healthy, balanced diet' advice is meaningless. The Irish Times. 2018.
Cost to bring 1 cancer drug to market (JAMA Internal Medicine 2017)
What does it cost to bring a drug to market. NYTimes. Gina Kolata.
Cost to bring drug to market. Norman Swan.
The Cost Of Developing Drugs Is Insane. That Paper That Says Otherwise Is Insanely Bad. Forbes. 2017
R&D Costs For Cancer Drugs Are Likely Much Less Than Industry Claims, Study Finds. NPR. 2017
How much does it really cost to develop a cancer drug? Try $648 million. STAT. 2017
Cancer drug revenue substantially higher than R&D spending. Healio. 2017
Cancer Drugs Cost Way Less to Develop Than What We've Been Led to Think, Study Claims. Science Alert. 2017
Doctors Tweeting about Drugs While Being Paid By Maker (Lancet Oncology 2017)
Doctors who take pharmaceutical money use twitter to hype drugs. Reuters. Ronnie Cohn
FDA's breakneck pace increases uncertainty. HemOnc Today
Hope and Hype around Cancer Immunotherapy. CNN
Pharmaceutical advertisement for rare disease (JAMA 2017)
Big pharma's newest marketing tactic: infiltrating soap operas like General Hospital. VOX.
How a drug ad made its way into ‘General Hospital’. STAT.
The Tricky Ethics of Big Pharma Soft-Selling on Soap Operas. WIRED magazine
Doctors warn General Hospital cancer plot may be a sneaky pharmaceutical ad campaign. CBC radio
Is General Hospital Plot a Veiled Cancer Drug Ad? Medscape.
Plot twist: Cheesy soap opera script is deceptive drug ad, doctors warn. Arstechnica.
Quoted regarding the fact 1/3 of FDA drugs later receive safety notifications
Nearly 1 In 3 FDA drug approvals followed by major safety actions. LA Daily News
Quoted regarding the cost and efficacy of PCSK-9 drug Repatha
This much-hyped cholesterol drug costs $14,100 a year. Doctors aren’t sure it’s worth it. VOX.
Cost of cancer drugs (Nature reviews 2017)
Will the cost of cancer drugs break the economy? Modern Healthcare
Frequency and level of evidence used in recommendations by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines beyond approvals of the US Food and Drug Administration (BMJ 2018)
US cancer network recommending expensive drugs based on weak evidence, study finds. The Guardian. 2018.
New Study Questions Evidence for NCCN Recommendations. Medscape. 2018.
Cancer treatment guidelines questioned in new study. CNN. 2018
OHSU Researchers Find Some Costly, Recommended Cancer Treatments Lack Evidence. The Lund Report.
Cancer Treatment Guidelines In US Questioned In New Study. Medical Daily. 2018
Financial Conflicts Among Doctors on Twitter (Coverage of our JAMA IM 2017 paper)
What your doctor isn't telling you on Twitter. Time Magazine.
OHSU study probes doctors' financial conflicts of interest on Twitter. Portland Business News.
From Twitter To Treatment Guidelines, Industry Influence Permeates Medicine. NPR
Hidden Conflicts of Interest Found Throughout Medicine. MedPage Today
Quoted in Article about CAR-T cells
Possible Cures. Mystery Deaths. Daunting Costs. Can CAR-T Be Tamed? Xconomy
CAR-T therapy makes early inroads in treating brain cancer STAT
Would you pay US$1mil for cancer treatment? Star2. 2017
Cascade of costs could push new gene therapy above $1 million per patient. Los Angeles Daily News. 2017
CAR-T Therapies
Those high-priced CAR-T therapies are actually cost effective. STAT. (2017)
Breakthrough cancer therapy raises tough questions Are the costs, side effects and success rate worth it. The Bulletin. 2018
CMS quit test of pricey cancer treatment amid concerns over industry role. Politico. 2018
Patrick Soon Shiong's Moonshot has fallen short
He vowed to cure cancer. But this billionaire’s moonshot is falling far short of the hype. Stat. (2017)
Troubles of the Billionaire 'Moonshot' Doctor. Medscape. 2017
In Los Angeles, a Billionaire Doctor Takes On an Ailing Newspaper. The New York Times. 2018.
Summary of multiple research papes
Dozens Of New Cancer Drugs Do Little To Improve Survival, Frustrating Patients. Liz Szabo. KHN. (2017)
This $94,000-a-year cancer drug caused rashes and rarely worked. Now Trump could make FDA approvals even easier. LA Times. Feb 2017
Judging Cancer Drugs by Clinical Not Statistical Benefit (2016)
Judging Cancer Drugs. Medscape. Nov 4, 2016
Comments about FDA approval
Trump calls the FDA ‘slow and burdensome,’ but it’s faster than ever. Washington Post. 2017
FDA approval of $SRPT drug. Quartz. Nov 1, 2016
One-Third Of New Drugs Had Safety Problems After FDA Approval. NPR. 2017
Future jobs of FDA’s haematology-oncology reviewers
From FDA expert to biotech insider: The drug industry thrives on the revolving door. STAT Sept 27, 2016
A revolving door between FDA and the pharma industry raises questions about 'whether regulators indefatigably act in the public interest' Business Insider Sept 27, 2016
When Drug Reviewers Leave The FDA, They Often Work For Pharma. Kaiser Health News. Sept 27. 2016.
Q&A: From FDA to Industry. The Scientist. Sept 27, 2016
The FDA's revolving door raises ethical questions. Modern Healthcare. Sept 27, 2016
FDA's Cancer-Drug Reviewers Often Join Industry Later: Study. Health Day. Sept 27. 2016
'Revolving Door' Between the FDA and Industry? Medscape. Sept 27, 2016
The FDA's drug reviewers keep leaving to work for big pharma, and it's a big problem. Vox. Sept 28, 2016
Is the FDA Too Cozy With Drug Companies? Time Magazine. Sept 28, 2016
STAT Recommends as a Must Follow Twitter Account (2016)
‘Biocurious’ about biotech? Here are 10 must-follow Twitter accounts. Aug 22, 2016
The rise of the unbranded pharmaceutical ad (CBS News)
Device Companies Fund Courses For Doctors In Training. Forbes. 2018
Lowering the bar on Alzheimer’s drugs: STAT op-ed takes industry-friendly line, without disclosing author’s pharma ties. Health News Review. 2018
A cancer doctor speaks out: How premature hype about experimental drugs fails patients. Health News Review. 2018
Token Gesture when Disclosing Financial Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest (JAMA Oncology 2016)
Screening for Lung Cancer (2016)
Family doctors don't always screen smokers for lung cancer. Fox News Health.
The FDA's Use of Untested Surrogate Endpoints (Mayo 2016)
Should Oncology Trials Rely Less on Overall Survival. Cancer Therapy Advisor
Study raises questions FDA standards on new cancer drugs. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
OHSU researcher: FDA's short-cut approval can lead to questionable cancer drugs. Portland Biz Journal.
We are spending 107 billion in cancer drugs, is it worth it? Washington Post
On Medical Errors Now the Third Leading Cause of Death (2016)
Superficial coverage of medical errors could leave erroneous impression with readers. Health news reviews May 2016.
Don't believe what you read. STAT. May 2016.
On Precision and Genomic Medicine (2016)
Genetics-based medicine a matter of debate Bend Bulletin. May 2016.
No silver bullet, but precision oncology can help doctors hit the target. The Pharma Letter. 2017
On Paradigm-HF and Milt Packer (2016)
Unbelievable Folly of Clinical Trials. Cardiobrief. March 2016
Cost of cancer drugs (2016)
This drug is defying a rare form of leukemia — and it keeps getting pricier. Carolyn Johnson. Washington Post. Mar 9, 2016
Cost of unused cancer drugs in the US. The Lancet. March 10, 2016
Characteristics and Conflicts of Public Speakers at ODAC (JAMA IM 2016)
Cancer drug testimonals tinged with financial interest. MJS. Feb 1, 2016
FDA should make it easier to hear patients voices. The Hill. Feb 25, 2016
Does Pharma Hijack Public Comment at FDA. Medscape. Feb 2016.
Criticism of PARADIGM HF & Entresso Ad
Entresto Maker in Deep Water Over Terrifying TV Ad. Medscape. Feb 3, 2016.
On NEJM's Notorious "Data Parasite" Editorial
NEJM Editor Backtracks on Data-Sharing 'Parasites' Editorial. Medscape Jan 26, 2016
New England Journal of Medicine increasingly targeted by critics. Boston Globe. Apr 5, 2016.
Why cancer screening has never been shown to “save lives” (BMJ 2016)
There is not enough proof screening works. Time Magazine. Jan 7, 2016
Cancer screening benefits are overstated, experts claim. The Guardian. Jan 6, 2016
It is Misleading to Say Cancer Screening Saves Lives. Newsweek. Jan 6, 2016
21 additional news outlets on Altmetric
Does Cancer Screening Save More Lives Overall? Not Necessarily. 2017
Atrial Fibrillation: Is Screening a Good Idea? Medscape. 2018
Prostate Cancer Screening Rhetoric Amps Up. Medscape. 2018
Wearable ECG patch increases atrial fibrillation diagnosis in clinical trial. Med Tech Dive. 2018.
Application of Medicare’s New Technology Add-on Payment Program for Blinatumomab (JAMA Oncology 2015)
Medicare's NTAP for Blinatumomab Should Be Questioned. Medscape. December 30, 2015
With Hands Tied, CMS' NTAP for Blinatumomab Is Ridden With Controversy. AJMC. Jan 5, 2016
Characteristics of Exceptional or Super Responders to Cancer Drugs
Super-Responder Buzzkill: Some Likely Have Indolent Cancers. MedPage Today. Nov 19, 2015
Use of Superlatives in Cancer Research (JAMA Oncology 2015)
Cancer Reporting Needs Less Hype & More Hope. Real Clear Science. Jan 2016
3 Questions on... When Research Is Groundbreaking, Revolutionary, & Game-changing—and When It's Not. Dec 25, 2015
'Miracle cures'? Nope, OHSU says, it's just art of the sale. Portland Tribune. Nov 12, 2015
If a new cancer drug is hailed as a breakthrough odds are its not. NPR Shorts. Oct 29, 2015
Glowing terms often used for new cancer drugs in health news. Reuters. Oct 29, 2015
‘Revolutionary.’ ‘Game changer.’ ‘Miracle.’ How much are we hyping unproven cancer drugs? Washington Post. Oct. 29, 2015
Miracle or hype? News reports often inflate cancer drugs' success. USA Today. Oct 29, 2015
What is the Most Hyped Drug in Cancer Care? Medscape. Oct. 29, 2015
Media Often Overplays Cancer Drug Research, Study Finds. US News and World Report. Oct 29, 2015
That breakthrough game-changing miracle cancer drug is likely nothing of the sort. Incidental Economist. Oct 29, 2015.
In Drug Ca News. Everything is Awesome! MedPage Today. Oct 29, 2015
OHSU: Some cancer drugs aren't the 'miracle' cures media makes them out to be. Portland Business Journal Oct 29, 2015
If A Cancer Drug Is Described As A Miracle, It Probably Isn't. Oregon Public Radio. Oct. 29, 2015.
Hard wired bias (Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2015)
Top reads in slow medicine. MedPage Today. Nov 13, 2015
Cancer Drugs Approved on the Basis of a Surrogate End Point and Subsequent Overall Survival: An Analysis of 5 Years of US Food and Drug Administration Approvals (JAMA IM 2015)
Few cancer drugs demonstrate OS benefit at time of FDA approval. HemOnc Today. Dec 30, 2015
Slippery slope: A targeted therapy that misses its mark. MedPage Today. Dec 12, 2015
FDA repeatedly approved Affinitor without proof it extended life. MJS. Dec 12, 2015
Surrogates for Survival or Other Endpoints. JAMA Oncology. Nov 25, 2015.
Many cancer drugs may not help people live longer. NPR. Oct 23, 2015
Is 1 in 7 odds a breakthrough? Is it even promising? Health News Review.
Approved but not proven: What's up with FDA, cancer drugs? Medscape. Oct 22, 2015
Two-thirds of cancer drug approvals based on surrogate endpoints. APA. Oct 21, 2015
Early drug approvals can backfire. Boston Globe. Oct 20, 2015.
Study: Two-thirds of new cancer drugs don't extend life. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Oct 19, 2015
FDA Accelerated Cancer Drugs Don't Get Adequate Follow up. MedPage Today. Oct 19, 2015
Researchers Question FDA's Use of Surrogate Endpoints for Cancer Drug Approvals. Oct 19, 2015
Cost of cancer drugs
Why do Specialty Drugs cost so much, and what can we do about it? Rhode Island Public Radio. Oct 15, 2015
Quoted in article about the NIH SPRINT trial
Raised Hype about Lower Blood Pressure. Scientific America. Sept 21, 2015.
Panelist on the Diane Rehm's show regarding the controversy of treating DCIS
How Do We Treat Early Stage Breast Cancer? A New Study Revives The Debate. NPR. Aug 24, 2015
Strength of Association Between Surrogate Endpoints and Survival (JAMA IM, 2015)
This bill promises to speed up drug approvals so much that it’s making people uncomfortable. WSJ. July 10, 2015
Primary Care Physicians' Role in Counseling About Gun Safety (AAFP, 2015)
Talking With Patients about Guns? Show Some Respect
5 Years of Cancer Drug Approvals: Innovation, Efficacy, Cost (JAMA Onc, 2015)
Cancer Doctors Offer Way to Compare Medicines, Including by Cost. New York Times. June 22, 2015
Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients. USA Today. June 15, 2015
Study Finds Oncology Drug Pricing Models 'Not Rational' - The ASCO Post, Apr. 9th 2015
US Cancer Drug Prices 'not rational' - PMLive, Apr. 8th 2015
No Real Rationale for Rising Cancer Drug Prices, JAMA Researchers Conclude - FiercePharma, Apr. 7th 2015
Modern Drug Development: Which Patients Should Come First? (JAMA, 2014)
Targeting Drug Development - The Incidental Economist, Nov 25th 2014
Mortality and Treatment Patterns Among Patients Hospitalized With Acute Cardiovascular Conditions During Dates of National Cardiology Meetings (JAMA IM, 2014)
The Doctor is Out, You May be in Luck - The New York Times, Dec 31st 2014
Some Heart Patients Do Better When the Cardiologist is Away - The LA Times, Dec 22nd 2014
Heart Care: Can Less Treatment Be Better? - USA Today, Dec 22nd 2014
The Withdrawal of Drugs for Commercial Reasons: The Case of Tositumomab, An Incomplete Story (JAMA IM 2014)
Bexxar for Lymphoma: Gone but Not Forgotten - Medscape, DATE
Is a Drug Unsafe or Just Unprofitable? How a Lack of Data Clouds Regulatory Classifications - RAPS, Nov 14th 2014
Comparative Effectiveness Questions in Oncology (NEJM, 2014)
Cancer Drug Trials That Should, But Won't, Be Done - Medscape, DATE
Cancer Drugs: Too Expensive to Compare? - Modern Healthcare, Apr 17th 2014
High costs of cancer drugs preclude study for cheaper alternatives - Oncology Practice, Apr 16th 2014
Evidence Based De-implementation (Implementation Science, 2014)
Time to Consign What Doesn't Work to the Trash Bin - Prevention Action, Apr 16th 2014 - Prevention Action, Apr 16th 2014
Media Coverage of Medical Journals: Does the Media Select the best stories? (PLOS, 2014)
Media coverage of medical journals; do the best articles make the news? - F1000 Prime, Mar 25th 2014
US newspapers favor weaker studies, researchers say - British Medical Journal, Jan 24th 2014
Medical News: Evidence Not a Factor - Medpage Today, Jan 21st 2014
A Decade of Reversal: An Analysis of 146 Contradicted Practices (Mayo, 2013)
Dr. Vinay Prasad, Chief Fellow of Medical Oncology for the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, discusses his article appearing in the August 2013 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, where he answers the questions "What are we getting right and what are we getting wrong?'
Medical Procedures may be Useless or Worse - The New York Times, July 26th 2013
Pressed To Demonstrate Utility, Digital Health Struggles -- Just Like Traditional Medicine - Forbes, Jan 7th 2014
Changes in Modern Medicine: What Can We Expect? - The Huffington Post, Jan 30th 2014
Keeping patients front and centre in the era of negative results - The Lancet Oncology, Sept, 2013
Studies often overturn accepted medical practice, analysis finds - British Medical Journal, July 26th 2013
Newly established medical practices often prove to be ineffective, study finds - The Minneapolis Post, July 31st 2013
More Medical Procedures that Don't Work - Men's Journal, Oct 2013
Reversal of established medical practice - Australian Broadcasting Company, July 29th 2013
The Inferior Vena Cava Filter (JAMA IM, 2013)
Filters often used to stop clots without evidence - Reuters, Mar 19th 2013
Vena Cava Filters: Little Evidence and Wide Variation in Use - Forbes, Mar 18th 2013
No Standard for Vena Cava Filter Use - Medpage Today, Mar 18th 2013
Chest Pain in the Emergency Room (Archives Internal Medicine, 2012)
Chest Pain in the Emergency Room - Heartwire, Date
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism (Archives Internal Medicine, 2012)
Richard Lehman's Journal Review - British Medical Journal, July 9th 2012
Cardiovascular Primary Prevention (Archives Internal Medicine, 2012)
The Statis on Statins: Should Healthy Adults Over 50 Take Them? - Scientific American, May 21st 2012
Reversal of Contradicted Medical Practices (JAMA, 2012)
Bias and error are rampant in medical literature - KevinMD, Mar 18th 2012
The Frequency of Medical Reversal (Archives Internal Medicine, 2011)
So how often does medical consensus turn out to be wrong? - Retraction Watch, July 11th 2011
New Studies Often Reverse Existing Practices - Medpage Today, July 11th 2011
Health 'truths' overturned: New medical information might change some long-held beliefs (print only) - Consumer Reports on Health, 2011