Dr. Prasad is available for speaking events. Prior lectures include cancer drugs, cost of medical care, health policy, evidence based medicine, the politics of science and medicine, social media.
For speaking inquires contact Wesley Neff at wesn@leighbureau.com
Video clips:
Vinay Prasad and ZDoggMD
University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona, Grand Rounds
University of Louisville, Medicine Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds on Medical Reversal
Freakonomics Parts 1-3 on Bad Medicine
PODCAST with Gary Schwitzer from HealthNewsReview.org
Podcast: Vinay Prasad, MD takes on moonshots, precision medicine, journalism & more
PODCAST with Julia Galef for Rationally Speaking
Dr. Vinay Prasad on "Why so much of what we 'know' about medicine is wrong"
Why so much of medical practice is wrong
Recent talk (starts at min 7)
OHSU Grand Rounds on Medical Reversal
Medical Reversal: When Best Practice Changes. American College of Physicians. April 21, 2018.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Health Care Forum. Pittsburgh, PA. Oct 13,
Prasad V. Commencement Speech for College of Arts & Sciences, Michigan State University
VP on ZDoggMD show